Okwuglo Family Solutions are in the process of facilitating long distance family adoptions as part of their family services program.
What is long distance family adoption?
Long distance family adoption is an act of “charity” that pledges to the minors & adults of the poor, undeveloped and backward countries and to their extremely under privileged families, some kind of financial help, so that they may receive the basic goods, basic education and the basic medical care that they need. Long distance adoption is generally international in nature and does not involve in any type of legal adoption of humans. The needs and necessities of the poor people and their immediate financial needs are adopted.
We arrange for family adoption. You can adopt the financial needs of a grandmother or grandfather in to your family. You can adopt a distance family from different nationality or same nationality. This is done without even meeting the individuals that you financially support. Regular feedback and detailed reports on how your funds are utilized for the poor families is sent by us with photographs of the beneficiaries as & when needed.
To facilitate such a helpful service to poor families, in foreign countries, there is always an intermediate agency that involves itself in such social service activities. The financial needs of the so called adopted family are disbursed or distributed through the third party agency such as Okwuglo Family Service.
Long distance adoption is more like a donation. In this case, the donor or patron decides how many individuals needs to “adopt” or how many families financial needs to “adopt”.
By attending to the needs of the poor host countries dependant families, the poor & financially weak family does not have to get disintegrated. Long distance adoption, therefore, puts the families in better condition to take care of their own children and to support the essential expenses for their growth, avoiding that, under the pressure of the economic difficulties; the family unit is not disintegrated.
Please understand that long distance family adoption is actually “adopting” their immediate financial needs of the poor family and is not phys ically adopting individuals and not involving any geographical movement of people from one place to another.
If you are on this web page of www.okgfamily.com reading about their Family Adoption Services and would like to internationally adopt the financial needs of a poor family in India then get in Touch with Us. We are within reach at Goa, in India physically at OKWUGLO FAMILY SERVICES, Grace Building, Ground Floor, Jacknim Vaddo, Parra, Bardez, (north Goa) Goa, India – 403510 Or in Nigeria at Victoria Square,
Eneka Road Junction by G.U. Eke Road,
Eliozu, Port Harcourt
River State Or Email us directly at okgfamilies@gmail.com expressing your personal needs. Or more instantly talk to us on +234 9035708765 Nigeria / +91 7798911272 India to book an immediate appointment for consultation of your personal needs.
If the Client in future wants their beneficiaries to visit them in their home country. It is left for them to decide without involving the Agency.
We all know that child claim all over the world is a long stressful battle and it can be time consuming, especially when the child is born out of wedlock or as a result of divorce. We take the pain off your shoulder by attending the court proceedings which gives you time to concentrate on your business or job activities. We provide legal advice as and when required.